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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja S.O.S Dla Zwierząt Chorzów

Hi, Atos here! I am a super-great dog. I am a young pooch, I am about 3 years old and I'm in a wheelchair for 2 years now. When I was one year old, a shelter adoped me out to a pen of an old lady, and during the New Year's Eve, I was so afraid that I ran away from it and ran blindly until I got hit by a car. The pain was terrible, I thought I would die lying alone on the side of the road. The lady had no money for treatment and so I came across the wings of the foundation, which provided me with full diagnostics and treatment. I have to be in motion constantly. I have to run around the whole area a few times, and bark a little at kittens. Aunts say that it would be sad without me at the foundation.

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